Saturday, March 24, 2007

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

Explain how "Schindler's List" illustrated the Holocaust?

-->It illustrated the holocaust because it showed you how people and things where back then and how people where treated and killed because they where jews

Which scenes were most powerful for you as a viewer: The liquidation of the Krakow ghetto, the labor camp, the children, Auschwitz, etc.?

-->I think the most powerful scenes where where they entered the ghetto because they where still being treated bad no matter if they where rich or poor and they had more than one family in each room. And the labor camps because even thought they worked hard for the Germans they where still being treated bad. Also when the jewish children try ed to hide under the floors and under beds that tried to escape and the Nazi's had no compassion and killed them like they did with animals.

What images from the film will stay with you?

-->The most is the one where there was this one man that could save the jews named Schindler,and if you where on his list you would work for him and you had many chances of surviving and not being killed like other people.

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