Saturday, March 24, 2007

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

What are some of your reactions to "Night and Fog"?

-->It was kind of sad because it showed about people and children getting killed and some very bad scenes.And the sad thing is is that they where buried along with different people and some didn't have their own graves.They had no compassion to the dead and the ones that where going to be buried.

Did you find the film as powerful as I did?

-->It was because in a way it shows you how fortunet you are to be alive and not have to suffer what other people back then went through and how prisoners and victims where treated at the camp.

How did it compare with the scenes you viewed from "Schindler's List"?

-->It compares to people being treated bad in the camp and how the jews where treated from the German shows on how things where made and how people worked hard but still treated and killed (By:the Germans) because they where jews.

Which film illustrates the Holocaust more effectively - the Hollywood version, or the documentary?

-->I think the film that illustrates more effectively is the documentry version because it puts more details and you can make a picture in your head of whats going on and how things acually where way back has real people not actors.its something that acually took place around that time and not years later.

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