Monday, May 7, 2007

♣ Creation of Israel ♣

Define Zionism.

--> Zionism was the jewish movement the rose up in the late 19th century in response to growing and reestablishing jewish homelands in Palestine.

Explain the conflict that occurred when Israel was created.

-->The conflict was that they where srounded by country's that didn't like them. like for instence jordan Jerusalem and more, but the main reason why all this countries were fighting against Israel was because they belong to a very different religion is which is Judaism.

♣ Why do the Palestinians and Israelis not get along? ♣

-->They do not get along because a lot of people used to be discriminated because of there race or religion even if their was a small possibility that they can be related from the same country or the same religion this created a huge conflicts between them. And some must had to move out, to other places.

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