Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of Communism

Explain how Mikhail Gorbachev opened up the Soviet Union and paved the way for the end of Communism.

-->Mikhail Gorbachev was a Russian politician. He was one of the last leaders of the Soviet Union, who served from 1985 until the collapse of 1991. His supporters praised his youth, energy, and political skills that they admired. He was one of the youngest leader of the Soviet Union, since Stalin. He didn't need to follow other people ideas, he just came up with new ones that were more better and useful.
He opened up the Soviet Union and paved the way to end communism by opening the soviets citizens to help them out in their society. Due to this he started a thing called Glasnost that was an opening to help his citizens and make them feel comfortable with him as a leader, and to be not afraid of any losses. However, he had many ideas that he created another was called Perestroika.perestroika was an idea on economic restructuring throughout the Soviet Union. As Gorbachev made new reforms communism started to get weaker and weaker. His main idea was to make communism more efficient and a productive development. Many changes came along the years where he finally ended communism and dramatically living to a new reform called capitalism where many things changed and where not the same.

Define Glasnost

-->The declared public policy within the Soviet Union of openly and frankly discussing economic and political realities initiated under Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985.

Define Peristrokia

-->The restructuring of the Soviet economy and bureaucracy that began in the mid 1980s.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Collapse of Communism

Why did Communism collapse in Eastern Europe and the USSR?

-->Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe and the USSR, because of many reasons. This was one of the major events in history that had happened. They wanted to separate the East and West Germany by breaking down the Berlin Wall and having great disaster. Due to this both sides of Germany had economic and social ties. Even thought is was a disaster, later on it came with great support that they were able to make their financial situations more better. When Communism fell there was less need for concerns about nuclear annihilation. Many people turned against Communism and followed democratic rules.

Why did people tear down the Berlin Wall?

-->They teared the Berlin Wall because it was a gigantic structure separating the Eastern and Western Germany and was a cause of concern. The Berlin wall went up on August of 1961. Due to this wall the East and West Germany were very angry because they couldn't cross the border. However, many people tried to cross, but there was consequences of being killed or shot. But because of this East and West of Germany were blocked for 28 years from each other. So for this reason, many people went and tear down the Berlin Wall with sledgehammers and broke down the Wall forever.

What happened to the Soviet Union and how did the collapse of the Soviet Union change the world?

-->It caused the union of the East and Western to become as one unified country that was from the start. Germany accepted capitalism and had finally removed communism from Europe. There was big changes when the Soviet Union fell, because of this they were creating smaller countries.

Monday, May 7, 2007

♣ Creation of Israel ♣

Define Zionism.

--> Zionism was the jewish movement the rose up in the late 19th century in response to growing and reestablishing jewish homelands in Palestine.

Explain the conflict that occurred when Israel was created.

-->The conflict was that they where srounded by country's that didn't like them. like for instence jordan Jerusalem and more, but the main reason why all this countries were fighting against Israel was because they belong to a very different religion is which is Judaism.

♣ Why do the Palestinians and Israelis not get along? ♣

-->They do not get along because a lot of people used to be discriminated because of there race or religion even if their was a small possibility that they can be related from the same country or the same religion this created a huge conflicts between them. And some must had to move out, to other places.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

♥Nelson Mandela and Apartheid♥

Define Apartheid.

--> Apartheid is a policy of segregation practices in the republic of south Africa. Which discriminated anybody that was non-white.

Explain why Nelson Mandela is such a hero. What did he do?

--> Nelson Mandela was a hero because he went through with believing in him self and that his race should be free from racism and oppression and all races in general should be equal in everything. He then became the president of south Africa because of his helping to liberate south Africa.

Why is he so admired by the authors of these articles and sites?

-->The author of this book admires Nelson Mandela so much because of his struggled through and through for his country and total equality in that country.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

♣ African Independence ♣

Explain how and why Africa changed so much in the 20 year period from 1955 t0 1975.

--> Africa changed in the past 20 years in the time period of 1955 to 1975 because of many 1955 the British colonies decided to develop the first ever African colony in southern part of Africa which is Sahara so they could achieve their independence called the gold coast.It was a British colony.It was organized by kwame Nkrumah who organized the party so he would be able to help the gold coast free from the British. he made this happen by boycotting,protesting and striking against the British.And so due to all accepted and gave Independence to the gold coast and receiving its independence it took its name as Ghana and then Nkrumah became Ghana's first prime minster. In 1975 Africa had more independent countries than in 1955, because the Africans thought it was necessary to separate from Europe. Due to this it was more effective because there was independent countries in 1975. In a British colony named Kenya, their leader was Jomo Kenyatta who led them to independence. He spoke for the Kikuyu people who were let out of their land by the European settlers. However, Kenyatta refused to the MauMau ( was mainly to frigthen the white farmers to leave the highlands) connection so he was imprisoned by the British for a time for his refusal. In 1963, the British granted Kenya Independence, so Kenyatta became the first prime minister of an Independence Kenya. he worked very hard to unite the various ethic and language groups in the country.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

9th Grade Review - Neolithic Revolution

--> Before the Neolithic Revolution there was another different society, these people were call nomads, most of the time they spend ed hunting and gathering plants, animals, instead they also made simple tools such as, spears and axes made from bone, wood, and stone.
Right after this time, came the Neolithic Revolution in which was a period of farming, domesticating animals, and agriculture was also introduced but in a modern way.
The Neolithic Revolution is a major turning point in human history, because it eventually rise of new civilizations, in order to discover the new world of progress and socialism.commercial Intensive agriculture is farming that involves large fields and numbers of animals, large resource, and a high level of mechanization.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The European Union

Explain the European Union.

--> The European union was a union of 27 states in Europe and was made in the 1992 by a treaty called the maasstricht treaty and was founded by the sixth member of the European economic community in 1957.It was an economic and political union.Later in the 1995 more countries decided to join like Austria,Finland,Sweden.Nine years later more countries decided to join like Czech republic,hungry,Malta,Lithuania,Poland,and Slovenia.When it finally got established the European union kept expanding the political scope of Europe economic community more in the fields of foreign and security policy.It provided them with the creation of the European bank and if currently what is called today a common euro.

Why was it a good thing?

--> It is a good thing because now in days when you are traveling to Europe its more easier and they wont stop you at the border and you wont get stropped every time you travel and wont have to show Ur passport and you can just keep going where ever you are going to go to.They where also allowed to work anywhere in Europe and before they couldn't they had to have jobs near where they lived.